Old Dashwood Hill, Studley Green
Reported via desktop in the Cleaning/Sweeping category anonymously at 16:53, Wed 30 August 2023
Sent to Buckinghamshire Council 1 week, 5 days, 18 hours, 56 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 4942285.
On left at top of hill, just before the houses, heading towards Studley Green. One of the worst flytipping offences for some time. Paint containers and some carboys containing liquid that has a solvent smell - could be creosote. Dumped in the hedge close to the houses where children could touch them. Removed from the hedge and placed at the side of the road to enable collection.
This has been passed to our Highways Team, who will carry out an inspection and arrange for the appropriate action to be taken.
Our priority is clearing the obstruction on the public highway to make it safe, this may mean that the fly tip is moved to the side of the road for a period of time before safe removal is arranged.
Please be assured we will come back and clear it, but in the meantime we will monitor it in line with our Highways Safety Inspection Policy.
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 16:53, Wed 30 August 2023
We have inspected the issue reported and have reviewed the category selected.
The category has been changed to ensure it is passed to the correct team.
State changed to: For Triage
Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 08:05, Thu 7 September 2023
Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 10:14, Mon 11 September 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.