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Unauthorised road closure on Hawks Hill

Reported via iOS in the Unauthorised signs category by Cllr Penny Drayton at 13:57, Sat 19 August 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4907513.

Road closed with no works happening or listed

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  • As part of our highway management strategy, unauthorised signs will be removed from the highway, removal will be prioritised according to highway safety, resource requirements and the interests of the community. The Council may exercise their discretion not to enforce in some situations (e.g. small scale charity events).

    These signs will be held for 28 days and there will be a storage fee of the unauthorised signs that do not comply with this policy where applicable.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 13:57, Sat 19 August 2023

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