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Traffic light sequence

Reported via desktop in the Temporary traffic lights problem category anonymously at 14:42, Fri 7 July 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4761205.

Could you consider changing the programming of the traffic lights on Broughton lane turning left into Aston Clinton Road? Traffic signals could be separated for the traffic turning left from the traffic turning right. When the traffic light turning right from Aston Clinton into Broughton lane, at the same time the traffic turning left from Broughton Ln into Aston Clinton road could be allowed to proceed as there is no other traffic entering Aston Clinton road during that time. This would be a similar traffic light programming as there is for New Road traffic reaching Aston Clinton Road at the Holiday in junction.

I believe doing this will ease a lot of the backed up traffic problems on Broughton Lane during the morning rush hour as the majority of traffic enters Aston Clinton Road leaving Aylesbury at that time.

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  • This has been passed to the Traffic Signal Team to investigate the enquiry/issue.

    The team will carry out an inspection and order a repair if required, this can take up to 10 working days

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 14:42, Fri 7 July 2023

  • State changed to: Fixed

    Updated by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:28, Fri 28 July 2023

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