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Grass and weeds too high on the splay

Reported via desktop in the Grass cutting category anonymously at 20:05, Wed 17 May 2023

Sent to Buckinghamshire Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 4567373.

The grass has been cut on the A412 on one side of the road but not the side where there is a footpath lower than the road and is causing problems for walkers, also the splay at the junction of Village Road and the A412 is overgrown and a cyclist was nearly knocked off his bike as you have to pull out into traffic driving at 50mph to see if anything is coming. Another accident waiting to happen. Why can this not be done when the grass was cut, not the parish council as on a 50mph road

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  • An officer will carry out an inspection within the next 10 working days and arrange to have the issue resolved as soon as possible after that.

    We can confirm that our grass cutting programme for this year has commenced.

    Please be advised that we are unable to give specific dates for urban grass cutting. Our works programme is very weather dependant and subject to delays. We therefore ask that you remain patient should there be delays or excessive growth in-between cuts.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 20:05, Wed 17 May 2023

  • An order has been raised to repair the defect reported, this will be a permanent repair to be carried out within the next 16 weeks. To ensure the highway network remains as safe as possible we will be carrying out temporary repairs on dangerous issues to make them safe, please be assured we will revisit these temporary repairs and make them permanent at a later date, we will also continue to carry out our regular Highways Safety Inspection Policy and should we find any issues we will apply the same rule a temporary repair until such time as we can make it permanent.

    Posted by Buckinghamshire Council at 09:52, Fri 19 May 2023

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